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Blog Community work (Umuganda) at the buffer zone Mukungwa river on 26th August 2023


Wildlife conservation Initiative in Collaboration with local community around Mukungwa River in Musanze district, Rwaza sector, Nyarubuye cell, Kanama village organized community work also known as Umuganda of 26th August 2023.


1300 indigenous trees are planted by local communities from all villages of Nyarubuye Cell in cooperation with villages leaders; social affairs and in charge forestry and executive secretary from different cells; agronomist and data manager from Rwaza sector.

The participants of community work (Umuganda) after visiting WCI indigenous tree nursery and receiving a message on how trees are planted: Removing pots container safely for next reuse, planting trees and doing compaction on planted tree for not leaving empty spaces in the holes; 1300 indigenous trees were planted effectively to improve 
water quality, reduce erosion and improve local community livelihoods.

Indigenous trees planted are as follow: Vernonia amgdalina (Umubirizi): 1000 seedlings and Erythrina abisnica (umuko): 300 seedlings.



At the end of this Community work (Umuganda), the founder and Chief Executive Director of Wildlife conservation initiative (WCI) SHEMA Serge, introduced the mission and programs of Wildlife conservation initiative (WCI). All participants aim to restore and conserve the buffer zone of Mukungwa River to improve their livelihoods.

Executive Secretary of Nyarubuye cell  thanks Wildlife conservation initiative (WCI)  for the enormous support to rural  community including the provision of  this  trees and organization of  this activity of restoring Mukungwa river  and the way it engages and help local community around Mukungwa river to enhance and improve their livelihoods.


Wildlife conservation initiative (WCI) welcomes inbound and outbound partners for restoration and conservation of the buffer zone of Mukungwa River. Thank you.